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Our members strive to stay abreast of any activity in and around Oak Hill or for that matter the entire Township that may ultimately affect our qualityof life. To do this we monitor meeting agendas for Zoning and Planning Boards and attend those where subject matter appears to be appropriate. We attend board of education meetings. OHA has joined with LVGA (Lincroft Village Green Association) to support SONIC ( Save our neighborhood Integrity and Character) in opposing the massive Avaya- 4 Ponds redevelopment on Middletown-Lincroft Road. 

We have in the past taken an active part in opposition to a zoning change from residential to commercial in a near-by piece of property. A portion of the dues collected annually are set aside for legal counsel and representation should something come up that the Association wishes to support or oppose.

If you are at all civic minded and want to see our local government first hand, please join us by calling Helen Duthie. 


Middletown Planning Board meetings are 1st Wed of each month.

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